Who doesn’t want to spend the weekend at a peaceful, luxurious place?

Everybody wants it. After dealing with the work pressure and stress of the entire week, one longs for a refreshing weekend trip. But that shouldn’t make one miss out on the weekend fitness regime. Hence, the Shri Ram Narayan Cricket Clubhouse in Gurgaon, established in 1991, offers you a worthwhile weekend stay at the Gurgaon cricket ground luxury clubhouse. The best part of the deal is that you don’t need to skip your weekend walk and exercises. Gurgaon cricket ground caters to all the visitors, with a top-notch range of sports facilities.

Those willing to stay in tents and experience the adventure are welcome to our tents. We have six cozy tents for all the visitors. There is also a duplex in our complex.

It must be a restaurant. So one must hit our cricket clubhouse restaurant to taste our delicious North Indian cuisines. Gurgaon SRNCC clubhouse would give you a homely weekend vibe. The traditional dishes at our restaurant are all set to cater to the visitors’ weekend food cravings.

We can serve on date accommodation service to around 40 people at once. There are a variety of room categories. Room preferences vary from person to person. We looked into that aspect of our residence as well. We serve different categories of rooms and accommodation. Therefore, anyone and everyone can choose a room per preference and the room availability.